April 18, 2011

Cutting The Cord with the iPad: Part 1

A discussion on the impact of the iPad as a replacement for today's television for our entertainment needs.

Apple iTunes

The iPad is indeed a truly revolutionary device that has defined a category. The apps, the stability of the platform and of course the ease and speed simply make it a revolutionary device. No other manufacturer even comes close. I would venture to say that it's still more a consumer device than a production device despite the launch of Apple's Garage Band and iMovie apps.

Apple's iPad 2 and it's FaceTime Video Conferencing (Courtesy Apple)

Given the range of entertainment apps available from channels such as ABC News, HGTV, PBS and many others, can we finally cut the cord as it relates to cable TV? These apps offer on-air shows that you can stream without the need to download files. Pair it with an AppleTV and perhaps the need for watching television broadcasts from a cable subscription lessens. We'll expand on this topic in a later post but you're welcome share your thoughts and experience.

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