June 28, 2011

Captain America Movie: Beyond Stars and Stripes

With the rumored sequels already planned besides the Avengers movie, what are some of the villains that Captain America would grapple with? We focus on the broad range of bad guys (and girls), that he could possibly take on!

Given his character's symbol of freedom and democratic principals, most of Captain America's villains tend to be the opposite of his ideals and values (or frankly his nation's values). Enemies such as the Red Skull exemplify the opposite of what Captain America stands for. Are all of his villains like that? Does Steve Rogers aka Captain America, always need to battle threats that are only specific to patriotism and the American way? Not necessarily and it would be too one-dimensional for the character and moreover for a global movie audience. In fact, the first movie centrally focuses on Rogers' time in World War II. Will we see a modern version of the Captain in later sequels? Perhaps, but then the sequels might focus solely again on the Red Skull and other national threats. We hope to see some of the Captain's other villains pop up on the big screen. Here's a small rundown of some his enemies, both broad and unusual, that could make the cut:

Porcupine (old and new battlesuits)
Scientist Alex Gentry designs and builds a battlesuit, similar to a porcupine, with the capabilities of shooting objects (quills), for the military. These objects wouldn't just be limited to sharp impaling objects but quills filled with gases or chemicals and explosives. Moving towards a criminal path, Gentry uses the suit to achieve wealth and stature. He fights numerous superheroes as well as the ultimate superhero team, the Avengers, along the way. He dies while tripping and impaling himself on one of his quills. Ultimately, Gentry is singled out by Captain America, for trying to turn his life around at the time of his death, with a tombstone marking him as an "Honored Foe of the Avengers".  Truly a unique and exciting villain we'd like to see on the big screen. Today's cinematic special effects can certainly do that battlesuit justice!

Ultimate Serpent Squad
Ultimate Serpent Squad
The group of villains known as the Serpent Squad were simply an organized team comprised of members who had a similar snake-theme costumes and motives (Sidewinder, Princess Python, Asp, etc.). Each villain was already separately established in the Marvel Comics universe, but banded together with their criminally ways to take on the world. They fought Captain America and his various sidekicks, Nomad and Bucky. A variation of the Serpent Squad features an all-female cast. This lineup consists of Anaconda, Black Mamba, Princess Python, Asp and Death Adder. Having a supervillain team made up of women, may do wonders for the sequel and it's target audience. Here's several members of the Captain's rogues' gallery, that we'd also like to see on the big screen. 

Perhaps the most unique group villains ever to battle Captain America happens to be Death-Throws, an alliance of jugglers! Jugglers who utililize deadly weapons instead of balls. The various members were original Captain America villains but have also established themselves in the Marvel Universe, making small appearances in other comics. This team could have the potential to have an impact on the big screen as a minor villain(s). After all, a group of villains whose main method of attack is through juggling, may not bring the crowds in!

With the Captain America movie a success, we hope these selections make the cut in the forthcoming sequels. Other villains include MODOK, The Watchdogs and Yellow Claw are worthy considerations as well. We hope that future Captain America sequels go beyond the character's patriotic ways and feature some of his other enemies mentioned above. Given the history, multitude and depth of Captain America, his rogue's gallery is just as unique and broad as the man behind the shield.
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