June 21, 2011

iCloud Preview

You can already start using some features of Apple's upcoming online backup and storage service iCloud. Try it now by downloading the latest iOS update.

iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store

Apple's iCloud internet storage and backup service is the successor to it's current MobileMe cloud services (You can find our review of MobileMe here).We've only been given a few details but it will allow for the automatic synchronization of your files across multiple devices. If you have one app installed on your iPad, iCloud allows for the installation of that app on your iPhone or other device. With the latest iOS update, you can start using this particular iCloud feature right now.

Using an iPhone as an example, head onto the App Store and locate the Updates area on the right. Then go to the Purchased section.

You will see two tabs indicating all the apps you have downloaded and then a separate tab of the ones not yet  installed on your iPhone. Pressing the cloud icon on the right allows you to install that app directly onto your device. Given what we know of iCloud, this feature might include the ability to download files locally, such as pictures and movies, located on different device. More news and updates as they come.

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