August 25, 2011

Cheaper iPhone 4

With Reuters reporting that a cheaper version of the current iPhone 4 would debut soon, I would strongly dissuade anyone from buying if they want to truly enjoy the device.

ELECTRONIC ARTS, INC. (EA Store)The lower cost model of the phone would apparently arrive whenever the new iPhone 5 makes it debut.  Apple is known to reduce the prices of older models of their iPhones. The 3GS version still available at AT&T.

Why shouldn't you buy this cheaper iPhone 4? The main reason being the 8GB storage capabilities. If you want to completely enjoy the device which lets owners download music, TV shows, and of course apps from iTunes, the meager storage space will disappoint you. Often times, you'll find yourself deleting files just to make room for newer files. Don't forget that updates, whether it's apps or or the iOS operating system update can also impact how much you can store on your device. Oh did we mention that photos and videos that you personally record can eat up space too?

Unless you sync often or enjoy redownloading the same media files, then yes a lower cost iPhone would be the option. However, why would you spend so much on a data plan to use a phone that won't be as enjoyable given the hindrances?

We would recommend the cheaper option for someone who is not inclined to store many files on the phone. A lower priced iPhone 4 would benefit someone who primarily uses the phone for occasional internet and email use. Especially, those who don't have the need to install apps or media onto their devices. Limited photography and video recording will have to suffice if you want this cheaper iPhone 4 model if it does surface.

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