August 5, 2011

Henry Cavill Superman Sneak Peek

Warner Bros. has released a sneak peek of Henry Cavill in the full Superman costume for the "Man of Steel" movie.  The film reboot has been pushed back to 2013. You might be surprised at the villain choice as well. Check out the picture and movie details below.

Other cast members announced include Laurence Fishburne as Perry White. Diane Lane and Kevin Costner will play the roles of Jonathan and Martha Kent. General Zod and another Kryptonian, have been announced as villains for the reboot. 

I would've preferred a different villain instead, such as the more established and notable enemies of Superman such as Braniac, Metallo or even Mongul. The movie seems to focus on the Kryptonian elements of the character with the additional casting of Russell Crowe as Jor-El, Superman's father. However, we'll leave it up to the trusting hands of Alfred Goyer and Christopher Nolan to turn this franchise around.

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