September 9, 2011

Rob Liefeld Hawk and Dove

No, Hell hasn't actually frozen over but yes indeed, Rob Liefeld has returned to drawing the new Hawk and Dove series for DC Comics.


Joining Liefeld on the new series and handling the writing duties will be Sterling Gates. You'll recall that Liefeld was the original artist on the previous Hawk & Dove miniseries which is also digitally available via the DC Comics or Comixology app. The much maligned artist has received his share of lumps for his artistic abilities over the years but we're still fans of some of his early work and it shines through here in the new series.

Hank Hall and Dawn Granger better known as the second iteration of Hawk & Dove are back to fight evil and save the world! Oh, did you know Granger is dating Deadman??? Here's a look at the upcoming covers:


Images courtesy DC Comics

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