December 6, 2011

Marvel Comics Announces 'Avengers Vs. X-Men'

I haven't even finished reading Fear Itself or even started Schism and already Marvel has announced its next major event for 2012 - Avengers vs. X-Men.

Having lost interest in Marvel books over the past few years (and being a DC fan overall), this event sounds promising, though I have to admit the heroes vs. heroes idea seems strangely familiar. Civil War, anyone?

Marvel confirms the event will be centered on the return of the cosmic entity of the Phoenix (thanks for the spoiler alert!), most famous for possessing the late Jean Grey. Knowing Marvel, one can assume she will also make her return in the 12 issue mini-series.

I'm curious as to what side Wolverine will be on. He's a member of BOTH teams, and the X-Men were also recently split into two during the recent "Cyclops vs. Wolverine" Schism event. And people wonder why I stopped reading Marvel Comics...

Avengers Vs. X-Men is set for April 2012.


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