February 2, 2012

Earth 2 Earth

Justice Society of America Annual 1
DC Comics has previously announced the premiere of a new comic-book titled Earth 2 in the coming months. Earth 2 is of course the parallel Earth inhabited by the Golden Age heroes known as the Justice Society and judging from the solicitation previews provided by DC Comics, they'll be the focus of the new title. Writer James Robinson will pen the series as well with art provided by the amazing Nicola Scott. What's still left unclear and not yet fully revealed is if the title will also showcase a modern version of the Earth as well.

Naming a comic-book Earth 2 certainly leaves plenty of possibilities for stories and characters to populate the series. We could see the return of Infinity, Inc. (during modern times obviously) as well or perhaps the Justice Society Infinity as pictured above.  Which brings up the possibilities of a Justice League crossover once again. Furthermore, stories could flashback and forth from present to the past showcasing the Golden Age heroes and the modern day ones of Earth 2 and well the ideas are just endless.

Another new series that will be tied to Earth 2 is World's Finest, which will be written by Paul Levitz with George Perez and Kevin Maguire sharing the art duties.  The series will focus on Power Girl and The Huntress as they struggle to return to Earth 2. We don't want to speculate too much on both series but suffice to say, we're excited for them!

Cover courtesy DC Wikia

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