March 28, 2012

REVIEW: Batman #7

After a brutal week in the Court of Owl's maze, the Dark Knight is triumphant. Unfortunately there's no rest for Batman as the Court has just begun their attack on Gotham. Meanwhile the Dark Knight discovers details revealing his even deeper ties to the Court, and Nightwing won't be pleased with the news.

It feels a tad repetitive to say, but Batman #7 is another stellar issue by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. I've probably said it before but their work together has been near flawless since issue #1 and if you haven't been reading, now is the time to start. Definitely one of the best Batman stories and best comic books in recent memory. It's arguable that this issue as a whole is obviously filler for what's to come (the Night of Owls event begins next month!) but there's a lot of details and plot that you won't want to miss.

Snyder's use of symbolism is also ever present here, as we are treated to a flashback of a very familiar scene inside Wayne Manor. The issue opens with a young Bruce Wayne sitting alone in a room as a bat flies through the window. He proclaims that he "shall become a bat", as the said bat flies back outside and is devoured owl!

Flash forward to present time. After quite possibly the toughest challenge of his caped career, in last month's issue Batman barely survived and escaped the Court of Owl's maze of torture. The Gotham City that Bruce thought he knew doesn't exist. There's no rest for the Dark Knight however, as the Court of Owls has begun their attack on Gotham to take back what they believe to be rightfully theirs. Upon further investigation of the Owl assassin Talon's corpse, Batman uncovers the grisly details of the Court's hidden agenda as well as shocking revelation about Dick Grayson's past. He and Nightwing have a much deeper connection to the Court, much to everyone's surprise.

So, remember the Nightwing-DNA cliffhanger all the way back from Batman #1? Without giving away this issue's ending, I love that Scott Snyder is regularly including Dick Grayson in this arc. It's no secret that I enjoyed Snyder's run on Detective Comics and his characterization of Dick as Batman. (Before the New 52 seems so long ago! *Sniffle*) It's nice that he hasn't forgotten about Mr. Grayson and that HUGE plot point from issue #1. It's clear that Nightwing is an important player in this story.

On a related note, Bat-family fans beware! READ Nightwing #7 AFTER THIS ISSUE. I have Nightwing on my regular pull list, and I chose to read it before this issue. I admit that not all the details are spoiled, but the juicier ones are. You've been warned! :(

THE GOOD: A great issue filled with a lot of new plot points and a lot of surprises. Bring on the Night of Owls! Particularly enjoyed the nod to Frank Miller's origin of Batman in Year One. I also love that Scott Snyder is including Nightwing in all this, and making him an important player in this story.

THE BAD: Nothing!

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