March 18, 2012

Review: Superman Issue 7

A rampaging superhuman emerges from an explosion at an energy facility. Is it actually Lois Lane? Watch out because here comes Superman for a confrontation!

The landmarks of John Byrne's run on Superman include simple stories but also the many new characters that he introduced to the Man of Steel's stable and also the DC Universe. One of the characters featured here is Rampage who also appeared in further stories in other titles, long after Byrne left DC Comics and Superman.

Byrne's mastery of depicting technological machines and infrastructure has always been quite outstanding especially during his Fantastic Four and X-Men days. Examples of this is featured here as during a visit to an energy facility, Lois Lane is introduced to scientist Kitty Faulkner and colleague Thomas Moyers, working on a different type of power source. Take a note of the background artwork showcasing the facility and all it's gadgets and gizmos!  The conversation between the scientists and Lane is often testy. Using the unstable source of living algae to generate electricity, Moyers is still concerned of the reliability of this new technology.  Before any further dialogue continues, an explosion occurs within the laboratory!

Meanwhile at the Daily Planet, Clark Kent is desperate to interview Wonder Woman and tries to schedule this epic meeting again (At the time of the series reboots for both characters, they had yet to truly have a "meaningful" meeting. Yes, the characters do eventually meet up in Action Comics). This is soon interrupted when his powers pickup the explosion and resulting fire.  Containing the damage upon his arrival, he also detects some movement underneath the rubble.  Much to his surprise, a bronze-skinned being, later named "Rampage", emerges dazed and confused.

As Superman reaches to help, the being punches the Man of Steel, hurling him across the debris.  The being is still confused and begins a rampage! The being fights back despite Superman's efforts to contain and subdue her.  It becomes obvious that she can match him in power but the Man of Steel manages to subdue her temporarily with some metal! Moyers emerges from the rubble and breaks the news to Superman, that this superpower being is Lois Lane! Byrne's dialogue is fantastically descriptive and reminiscent of the Lee/Kirby days on Fantastic Four and other classics.

Like most Byrne short stories, Superman manages to find a villain's weakness or a solution to the matter in a few short scenes or even in one! This issue is no different. The Man of Steel confronts the being in Metropolis and the battle continues right in the city! Law enforcement arrives and tries to shoot down the creature with an energy blast but to no avail! It is also revealed that the being isn't Lois Lane but actually Kitty Faulkner! Finally, Superman realizes that he can absorb her power and brings Faulker back to normal! Superman saves the day again!

Overall, despite the simplification of most Byrne's stories for Superman, a majority of them were still quite good filled with classic suspense and drama. Rampage made her appearances in other DC Comics later on.

The Good: Classic John Byrne story and of course artwork

The Bad: Quick ending

Final Verdict: A

Images courtesy DC Wikia

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