June 6, 2012

Review: Earth 2 Issue 2

Despite the media controversy regarding the sexual orientation of the Earth 2 Alan Scott, issue 2 of the series doesn't disappoint and is filled to the brim with action and surprises.

It's another stellar read from James Robinson and Nicola Scott that features none other than three heroes making their debuts for this series. And one waiting in the wings!

Earth 2 is the new parallel Earth series from writer James Robinson and artist Nicola Scott. It's a whole new approach on the classic Justice Society of America characters and mythos.

Issue 1 depicted the final battle of this parallel world's versions of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman against Darkseid, narrated by Alan Scott. As the world mourns their deaths, who will step up and carry on the heroic ideals of the Trinity? Lest we forget, Steppenwolf, a minion of Darkseid is still a threat.

In issue 2, Mr. Terrific aka Michael Holt from Earth 1, is transported to this parallel world and runs into an interesting gentleman named Terry Sloan. Sloan subdues Holt after their standoff. Additionally Mercury, the deity who's on the verge of death, bestows his abilities onto Jay Garrick and his first ever appearance as Flash. Garrick tests out his new powers and manages to rescue people as well. Last but not least, Robinson has something in store for Alan Scott in the final pages of this issue. We all know he will become the new Green Lantern of this Earth and the stunning tragic ending is probably a part of that.

Jay Garrick saves the day!
Overall, Earth 2 issue 2 is great followup to the momentum that began with issue 1. Robinson presents these characters magnificently, as they start out with their new roles. It's not everyday, gods grant you abilities and the uneasiness of Garrick is portrayed nicely. He's not like Bruce Wayne who is inspired by tragedy but rather just someone who happened upon a situation and was asked to handle the responsibility. Nicola Scott is fantastic again.

Can't say I'm pleased with The Flash's new costume, especially the helmet! Furthermore, don't miss out on the details when it comes to WayneTech!

Final Verdict: A

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