July 10, 2012

Review: Earth 2 Issue 3

From the ashes, a hero will rise to protect the Earth. Alan Scott's transformation into Earth 2's latest protector is at hand. However, a new evil and formidable opponent is also making it's terrifying debut!

Earth 2 issue 3 wraps up the previous issue's climactic ending with the birth of a new hero. Writer James Robinson's parallel Earth series featuring revamped versions of the Justice Society has been hitting all cylinders so far with the debut of the new Alan Scott version of Green Lantern. In keeping with the character's original baptism of fire (literally) and origin, die-hard fans will not be disappointed with Robinson's redefining of the character. Robinson throws in the classic elements mixed with the new, to update the character for a different time and a different audience.

The death of Alan Scott's lover Sam, is neither glossed over or taken for granted as Robinson ties in the tragedy with Alan Scott's new purpose and role in this world. Issue 3 features more of the good old "let's get to know one another" scenarios in team books, with an initial awkward encounter between Hawkgirl and Jay Garrick. It's hard not to sympathize with Garrick, who at this point is still probably following Mercury's advice to be careful with his encounters with um, strangers. With good art by Nicola Scott, a surprise villain, and more hints of future teammates, issue 3 rounds itself very well.

The emotions and anxieties of these "new" heroes in learning the ropes with their new-found powers and understanding the roles they must fill, is heartwarming to read.

Final Verdict: A

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