September 13, 2012

Review: American Vampire Lord of Nightmares Issue 4

An unlikely team-up happens with our opposing protagonists as the forces of Dracula draw closer. Will our heroes survive or be captured by The Dark Lord himself.

Non-stop horror and terror continue in the latest issue of the American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares miniseries!

If you have just started reading this miniseries then boy you have missed a lot! Writer Scott Snyder's gripping tale of involving the resurrection of Dracula continues with almost every page oozing with nail-biting suspense. Artist Dustin Nguyen delivers another issue filled with his distinct style but doesn't top his own excellent work featured in issue 2. Every issue has been slowly revealing the mystery of our villain with our protagonists furiously preventing his evil power from spreading and darkening the Earth.

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In issue 4 of American Vampire Lord of Nightmares, the frenetic action and pace continue from the previous issue's climactic ending. Facing a mutual foe (or foes for that matter), forces Hobbes to team-up with last issue's newest characters. I almost felt this aspect was necessary by Snyder considering what his two protagonists were up against. The rest of the issue slows down and has another origin reveal for a pivotal character. You still get the same intensity and mystery with this latest offering.

While issue 4 lacks substantial action towards the end, Snyder and team complement issue 4 well with another stunning story regardless. Nguyen's wonderful panels take us from one destination after another! The full artist goes fullscreen on some pages taking the action straight to the reader! I still wonder what Snyder has in store for Gus, if any? The climactic ending wraps another great issue of this miniseries.

 Final Verdict: A

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