March 28, 2013

Review: Batman, Incorporated Issue 9

Did Batman, Incorporated survive their showdown with Leviathan at Wayne Tower? What happens next to The Dark Knight and his global team?

Writer Grant Morrison and artist Chris Burnham (with assist from Jason Masters) continue to wrap up the closing segments of that epic confrontation at Wayne Tower. No need to remind readers of the tragedy from last issue and most of issue 9 focuses on how Batman, Incorporated got out of there. Morrison chooses to drag on the scenes and details from that battle, rather than poignantly skip over it and start fresh from last issue's ending. Issue 9 features a variety of story lines and subplots that unfortunately seemed a bit too muddled and disorganized for me.  Rather than a continuous flow with each subplot, Morrison chooses to jump back and forth with time, creating some confusion as to how far events are from one another. One moment we're in the UK with Beryl aka Squire, setting the stage for revenge and the next, we're back at Wayne Tower, witnessing that battle with The Heretic again!

Another element that irked me about issue 9 is Bruce Wayne's attitude towards Alfred, concerning Damian's actions during those final hours. No clue why Morrison chose to go this route and depict Bruce lashing out at his butler like that. It's not the way Morrison has always portrayed this relationship - especially during their darkest moments together during the writer's entire run. Readers are in for a treat with many of the remaining team mates from Batman, Incorporated finally showing their faces here again. Oh, the nice schoolgirls from St. Hadrian's are back too! The art team once again delivers with some striking panels and a solemn cover art.

Final Verdict: B

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