May 30, 2013
Review: Earth 2 Annual 1
The origin of Al Pratt takes center stage along with a few guest stars. Oh, and the debut of the Earth 2 Batman makes this annual, a can't miss!
May 25, 2013
Return of The Jedi: 30th Anniversary
Fond memories of watching Return of The Jedi in theaters 30 years ago this weekend. No matter how times, they've changed the ending, it remains of our personal favorites.
May 23, 2013
Review: Batman Incorporated Issue 11
Thrills and chills in this exciting tale featuring the Batman of Japan as he faces the might of Lady Tiger Fist with a surprise twist at the end!
May 21, 2013
Check these two pieces of fan artwork by Jeremy Romand. One of them features our hero B.J. Blazkowicz!
May 20, 2013
May 16, 2013
Earth 2: Red Tornado Debut?
Looks like the new Red Tornado has just made her whirlwind debut throughout DC Comics' line of books. A homage to the past, who is the new Red Tornado though? [SPOILER WARNING]
May 15, 2013
Scribblenauts Unmasked Gallery
We've got a bunch screencaps from the upcoming Warner Brothers Interactive/DC Comics videogame. Players young and old will be treated to DC Comics history with the selection of characters to choose from.