March 27, 2014

Iron Fist: Netflix and The City of K'un-Lun

Could we see the fabled city of K'un-Lun, in the upcoming Iron Fist television series?

Considering the $4 million tax incentives granted to Marvel/Disney and Netflix for filming their upcoming Netflix shows in Manhattan, is there room in the budget to recreate some elements of Iron Fist's background story, from locales outside of the country?
Disney/Marvel is expected to spend $200 million in production costs for the four planned shows, which includes Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and The Defenders series. We wonder though, if the need arises to tell the origin of Iron Fist aka Daniel Rand? Rand's story actually begins in the mountains of Asia and the fictional city of K'un-Lun. Can we expect a trip to east at some point to provide added authenticity as well, with showcasing how Rand gets his powers? Several of these elements resurfaced in recent years in the "Immortal Iron Fist" series written by Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction and artist David Aja. Perhaps, producers may just ignore that aspect of Rand's life and simply give us straight-up martial arts action and adventure in the streets of New York instead. Regardless, we await the Iron Fist with open arms but the series isn't expected to begin filming until 2015. 

We hope that the K'un Lun aspect of Rand's origins will be incorporated into the series as well.

Further Reading:

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