December 26, 2011

REVIEW: Justice League #4

Welcome aboard, Aquaman! Cyborg arrives! Enter Darkseid!

I'd have yelled "spoiler alert" if it wasn't so obvious already. Regular Justice League readers have been waiting for this issue since #1, and it's finally arrived. Although DC released Jim Lee's splash page of Darkseid in mid-November, the big DC baddie makes his "first" official appearance in the DCnU here in Justice League #4. Though this issue feels like filler for what's coming next, it's another good one and sets up for what maybe a grand #5.

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Despite the filler issue feel, Geoff Johns does continue the story, and Jim Lee's art is as great as ever. While the League acquaints themselves with Aquaman and his abilities, Cyborg's transformation is finally complete. The League battles more of Darkseid's troops and Cyborg arrives on the scene just as Darkseid makes his epic appearance. Johns again does a good job of balancing action with story, and like always there's just enough fun along the way. Aquaman's interactions with the League, particularly Green Lantern, put a smile on my face.

Justice League #4 is another good issue, but if I don't see Darkseid vs. the Justice League soon I might throw a fanboy fit. And despite that I'm as excited as the next guy for the inevitable battle next issue, but I'm equally just as skeptical how balanced this fight is going to be. All DC continuity aside, Darkseid floored the entire League here in a single full splash page. Way back in issue #1-2 we saw that Green Lantern and Batman were no match for Superman. For new readers this fight already may be over. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.

THE GOOD: The League is finally all in one place! Darkseid finally appears! Next issue will be grand, to say the least.

THE BAD: Almost feels like filler, and the anticipation for what's coming is almost starting to drag. I'm ready to see the Darkseid Vs. the Justice League already, but in the eyes of a new reader I'm little skeptical to how fair this fight will be.

THE ART: Jim Lee and Scott Williams at their best.


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