January 4, 2013

Review: Batman Incorporated Issue 6

The war between Batman, Inc. and Leviathan reaches it's most deadliest point, with tremendous casualties to Batman's team. What lies ahead as The Dark Knight is confronted by The Heretic for the first time?

Despite issue 4's victory for Batman, Inc., the cliffhanger ending we thought couldn't possibly happen in issue 5, cripples the team in this issue, with most members sustaining major injuries.  Writer Grant Morrison pens a no-holds-barred story with enough shock and awe for readers to understand the cold and sinister mindset of Talia al Ghul as she brings pain and destruction to Gotham and it's protectors. Not since the Leviathan Strikes story, have we witnessed such devastation and loss for the team.  Rather than the more civil portrayal we saw of Talia, in some issues of Batman and Robin, when treating her injured Damian, Morrison turns her personality and demeanor completely around. We see a different Talia instead, as someone resolved to completely eradicate Batman and those around him. Fighting him at all means, even using children as soldiers in the war against the ideals of Batman, Incorporated.

My biggest complaint about issue 6, is that certain elements of the story is almost too similar to Morrison's own work during the "Batman and Robin Must Die" arc in the Batman and Robin series. Gotham on the verge of collapse, anarchy, fallen heroes, unfortunately Morrison doesn't bring anything new or revealing to readers of his past work, especially longtime faithful readers. It's almost a rehash of the Thomas Wayne and Professor Pyg material but with different antagonists.

Issue 6 is still an enjoyable read with tender moments featuring the classic Robins and believe it or not, Damian as well! I also particularly enjoyed the banter between Talia and Bruce, although the cover is misleading as readers may not get what they wish for. Top notch artwork by Chris Burnham with additional work by Andres Guinaldo are some of the saving graces of this issue.

Final Verdict: B

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