September 17, 2013

Review: Justice League of America/Deadshot 7.1

Belle Reve no more! What is Deadshot up to while the Crime Syndicate runs amok?

Writer Matt Kindt presents some revealing details in this origin tale for Deadshot for Villains Month. I vaguely recall Floyd Lawton's past being examined in the early issues of the original Suicide Squad series. Kindt's story exposes the character's motivations leaving the reader with some empathy for the character. Throughout the years Deadshot has always had that appeal of finally becoming the next anti-hero besides Deathstroke to crossover. It may take someone of Kindt's talents to help push that along into a solo series one day. Deadshot 7.1 provides all the ammunition for that next step.

Deadshot's tragic past!
At the same time, despite his freedom with the collapse of Belle Reve and possibly the criminal justice system due to events from Forever Evil, Lawton does something unusual and reveals his own true nature.  Everybody it seems has a price and Kindt shows this aspect in the end scenes. 7.1 is a good origin tale for newer to catch up with this popular character. The art team of Sami Basri and Keith Champagne is adequate as both artists stick to conventional panels to deliver Lawton's story. Nothing eye-catching though.

Final Verdict: 8/10 
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