January 2, 2012

The New 52: The Flash No. 4 Review

Manuel Lago's past is finally revealed and you won't believe how his clones, Mob Rule, came to life! Furthermore, just how did Barry Allen survive the bullet from last issue?

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If you can get past the ho-hum cover by Francis Manapul, a good origin story awaits in The Flash issue no. 4.  You'll still get dazzled by his interior artwork but this is perhaps the least exciting story so far from the team of Brian Buccellato and Manapul.  The primary problem I have with the current storyline is that each issue isn't balanced enough with subplots and future storylines. While we have received hints about Captain Cold, there isn't enough of a build up to prepare for it, from what we've read so far.

This fourth issue focuses primarily on Barry Allen's friend Manuel Lago, who is at the heart of the current storyline, since the series began.  You'll discover his secret life and how his clones came to be and the reason they need and have captured Dr. Elias, in the first place. Meanwhile, Lago and Patty Spivot meet during the blackout and she explains what has happened to Barry Allen, and what Allen's fate is with the clones. [SPOILER ALERT] As evidenced by the cover, Barry Allen survives the bullet from last issue by tapping into the speed force, once again.

The Good: We get a hint of where Iris West is and what's about to happen. Jim Lee variant cover!

The Bad: Not even Manapul's artwork can save this issue, as the cover wasn't spectacular as his previous work has shown and is just too similar to the previous issue.

Final Verdict: C

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