December 31, 2011

REVIEW: Daredevil #7

Daredevil on a bus

Veteran comic book fans already know that in the past Daredevil has been one of Marvel Comics's darker books. That all changed when the book was relaunched earlier in 2011 with Mark Waid as writer and both Paolo Rivera and Marcos Martin trading off on pencils. The book has been a hit since issue #1. Simply put, it's just fun to read - exceptional artwork, great plot, and a hero you can't help but root for. Issue #7 is no different. Seriously, if you're not already reading Daredevil, you need to be.


It's safe to say Daredevil is by far the best title to come from Marvel Comics in 2011. Although I highly recommend picking up issues #1-6 at your local comic book store, issue #7 is a standalone story and a great place to start for new readers. I know what you're thinking - the issue's cover, albeit beautiful, screams "mushy winter/holiday themed story". But that's hardly the case, and #7 is another great book.

Matt Murdock has volunteered to take a group of blind school kids on a winter trip to the mountains. You guessed it - the trip takes a turn for the worse, and it becomes Daredevil vs. Mother Nature as he leads the group of students through the snowy wilderness. Despite the cliche plot and holiday theme, the issue is deep and moving. You can't help but feel for Matt and the poor children as they suffer literally blind in the cold. Will they be okay?? Another superb issue that has all the greatness that made issues #1-6 so awesome.

THE GOOD: Everything! Kudos to Mark Waid. Moving story, great characters, and fun to read. A perfect example of why Daredevil is clearly Marvel's best book of 2011.

THE BAD: The issue does have tidbits of past plot points, but not enough to harm the story overall. On the flip side, regular Daredevil readers don't get any real progress from the previous arc.

THE ART: Great work from Paolo Rivera. Deep and detailed.


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