2011 has proved to be the summer of superhero movies! Thor
and X-Men First Class
have already achieved critical acclaim. With all geek eyes on Green Lantern
due this weekend, as well as TransFormers 3 next week and Captain America
next month, here's a look back at some of the worse comic book superhero movies made. Oh, and beware, if you’ve been living under a rock the past few years, there may be spoilers ahead.
5. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The main problem with Wolverine
is its bad use of the character(s). Too much was changed from the original comic books and this alienated a lot of the fans. Aside from Sabertooth and the Weapon X project, in the comic books Wolverine never interacted with many of the film’s characters in this period of his life. It’s obvious this was used to draw fan boys like me to watch the film (it worked). The Professor X and Cyclops cameos were a nice treat, but totally unnecessary. The action sequences were also a tad over the top, and the adamantium bullet to Logan ’s head to make him forget everything was utterly ridiculous.
4. Superman Returns
Again, this film is plagued by a weak story and poor use of the characters. Although Brandon Routh
pulled off the Superman look, he never displays the charisma that Christopher Reeve gave from the original films. The casting of Lois Lane was also a bit off. And giving Superman a SON? Okay, I get it. You’re trying to make Superman more human. It’s a great idea but please consider the source material first.

Zack Snyder
, if you’re listening, the Superman movies are NOTHING without John William’s original score.
3. Spider-Man 3
Following the success of Spiderman and Spiderman 2, it seemed like director Sam Raimi was too pressured to finish his trilogy full circle. The film simply has too many characters, specifically villains. Harry Osborn returning as the Green Goblin made sense, and the introduction of Sandman as Uncle Ben’s real killer was also intriguing. But adding Venom the alien symbiote was overkill. The great thing about Peter Parker is he deals with so many conflicts at a time, but cramming everything into a 2 ½ hour film just didn’t work, especially when a lot of time was wasted on literally Mary Jane singing and Peter Parker dancing. Squeezing Gwen Stacy into the mix didn’t help either.
This film should have been split into 2 movies.
2. Transformers 1 & 2
My primary problem with this franchise is the look of the characters. If I really try, I can overlook the over-the-top Michael Bay explosions and the corny toilet humor, but the TransFormers themselves look like CRAP. Flames on Optimus Prime? Ugh. Also, for a film called “TransFormers”, the films focus too much on the supposed supporting human characters involved.
As soon as the third film is released, this franchise needs to be rebooted ASAP.
1. Batman and Robin
Let me start by saying that I actually PAID to see this movie in the theater, only because I’m that big of a Batman geek. Unfortunately, aside from getting the title right, the movie doesn’t do anything else right. With a crowded cast, weak plot and a butchering of the entire Batman legend and mythos, the only good thing to come from the movie was the Christopher Nolan reboot. The film was so bad Warned Bros. reportedly considered dumping the franchise all together. Nipples on the costumes? Overly used ice puns? BAT-CHARGE CARD??? Ugh.
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