July 31, 2011

Dark Horse Comics App for iPad

Fans old and new of Dark Horse Comics will enjoy this great app for their digital reading pleasure. It's missing some titles for now, but the app still has other comics for your digital library.

Available for both iPhone and iPad, the Dark Horse Comics app has plenty of titles from it's vast library to offer readers old and new.  Besides Star Wars and Hellboy, you will find Sin City, Magnus Robot Fighter, Grendel and many more.  Furthermore, available among the many individual Star Wars titles like Knight Errant, Clone Wars, you will find reprints of the original Star Wars comics that Marvel Comics had published decades ago when the original trilogy premiered.

Notable titles like Give Me Liberty, 300, Aliens and even Buffy The Vampire Slayer are absent for now. Though some of these titles (300, Serenity) are offered as separate apps on the App Store. Perhaps licensing issues are a factor in the availability and we'll follow up as these comics become available. Other comics like Hellboy and Concrete are sparse in individual issues. The number of free comics available is ample enough for anyone to jump on a series after test-driving the free issues.

Rather than use individual pages to scroll through a comic at the bottom, the navigation is done by a slide bar. Overall,  if you love comics, you won't want to miss this great app.  Like the DC Comics and Marvel Comics apps, this great addition to your digital comics reading experience, will make you never want to dig out your old comics buried somewhere in the attic or garage. 

Dark Horse Comics - Dark Horse Comics

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