November 30, 2014

Beth and Maggie Greene: Sisters

The Governor's attack on the prison splits up Beth and Maggie Greene, the last two known survivors of the Greene family. Maggie realized the futility in trying to search for her sister amid the chaos and destruction, as well.

Most fans derided Maggie for simply not caring about or even bothering to look for Beth, ever since the prison collapse from the Governor's attack and they went their separate ways, in Season 4.  In "Too Far Gone", Maggie last saw and knew, that Glenn was on the bus but also tried looking for Beth.  She didn't know the whereabouts of her sister once the Governor's forces and the walkers overran the prison.  Maggie eventually escaped with Bob and Sasha while Beth and Daryl went on the run together.

Daryl and Beth after the prison collapse
Maggie discussing with Sasha

It's not until the "Inmates" episode where Maggie acknowledges that she couldn't find and didn't know where Beth went at all.  It would not have been hard for Maggie to assume Beth has died as well. Maggie didn't give up on Glenn knowing where the bus he was on, was traveling towards.
Team Prison reunited in Season 5
Maggie finally learns Beth's fate when she is reunited with Daryl in Season 5.  Unfortunately, Daryl has to break the bad news to Maggie about Beth's whereabouts.  Tragically, the Greene sisters never saw each other again until Daryl carried Beth's dead body, later in Season 5.

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