November 23, 2011

Let's Assemble, Avengers!

Over at Marvel Comics, writer Ben Chabala profiles five pivotal Avengers line up changes. In issue 16, the constant fights against evil and injustice take their toll on the current roster of Thor, Wasp, Iron Man. Discover who takes their place! In issue 181, government bureaucracy weighs in on the team and the Avengers are forced to make line-up changes again! This time they have to narrow it down to only seven members! Check out the stunning George Perez cover below.

 Avengers #16, Avengers #181, Avengers #221

Additionally, in Avengers 221, the team recruits new members to flesh out it's roster again! Wasp invites several of Marvel's heroines for lunch for gender balance amongst the members. Looking at the cover, you could see the team's search included intergalactic candidates! Black Bolt alone could take on the bad guys by himself!

Chabala highlights two other issues where the Avengers again reassemble their roster. You can read the rest of his article here.

Images Courtesy Marvel Comics

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