December 29, 2011

REVIEW: Batman #4

Batman #4 is another great issue by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. I've said it before but this title is by far the best book of the New 52. It simply keeps getting better and better.

The issue starts off right where #3 ended. While investigating a lead, Batman has set off a tripwire and the entire room in question explodes and bursts into flames. Batman obviously makes it out (spoiler!), but Scott Snyder takes his escape a step further as we see the situation from the point of view of Batman and what he does to survive. These first few "hook" pages were simply awesome, and Snyder hadn't even advanced the story yet.

The action pretty much stops there, and the rest of the book is heavy on story and dialogue. But that's not a bad thing. Without spoiling too many details, we're treated to a cameo by Dick Grayson, who's worried about Bruce and his recent "carelessness" when dealing with the Court of Owls. Bruce reminds us he's not being careless, as he's certain the Court doesn't exist, because he finally reveals to Dick (and coincidentally the readers) that he had already previously investigated their existence.

Without spoiling what happens, we're treated to a narrated flashback of the said investigation and why Bruce is so sure. Greg Capullo's art stands out particularly in this scene. It's nothing jaw dropping but its still very well done.

Despite Bruce's certainty, you can't help but think his borderline arrogance at the Court's non-existence is going to bite him in the cowl next issue. Could Batman actually be wrong? So excited to read the next issue.

THE GOOD: Loved the issue cover to cover, especially Bruce's "previous" investigation of the Court of Owls. It's a nice treat.

THE BAD: Can't really think of anything. Even the new logo is starting to grow on me...

THE ART: Greg Capullo is seriously proving himself as the next big Batman artist. Great work!


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