January 17, 2012

OSX Lion: Mission Control

While we miss Spaces, the desktop/workspace management feature from Apple's OSX Snow Leopard operating system, the new Mission Control feature is greatly appreciated. Spaces was one of the features of Snow Leopard that was probably greatly underused unless you needed to multitask.  Have a number of apps open in your main work window was cumbersome if you need to switch to other apps more efficiently.  Spaces provided an easier to switch and devote an entire desktop screen or "space" for your own specific app.  With the OSX Lion operating system update, Spaces was replaced by Mission Control. 

What's great about Mission Control is that you can actually use a different desktop background for each "space".  Sure it may not be a giant leap from Spaces but it does users a different look and feel to their individual desktop views, without having the change the entire setting for all "spaces".  Simply change the settings in System Preferences for your own individual choosing. 

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