January 7, 2015

Agent Carter: Peggy Carter and Gabe Jones

peggy carter
Agent Peggy Carter had a prominent role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, even landing her own television on the ABC Network. There's a notable difference in her comics love life compared to her big-screen romance with Captain America in Avengers: Endgame film though.

howling commnandos_marvel_cinematic_universe
Howling Commandos

It's established that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is quite different from the Marvel Comics timeline. We couldn't help but wonder about Gabriel Jones and Peggy Carter when the "Agent Carter" television series first rolled out. Both Jones and Carter set a precedent as being involved in one of the first interracial relationships in comics at the time. Disney and Marvel never hinted at this relationship in the television series and in later films like Captain America: Winter Soldier. It is eventually revealed in Avengers: Endgame, who she ends spending the rest of her life with.

Agent Carter in action

Set in the backdrop of post-World War II America, "Agent Carter" follows the further adventures of Carter and ally Howard Stark.  Carter works for the Strategic Scientific Reserve while also secretly helping Howard Stark in his own dire matters.  The show has yet to announce actor Derek Luke's appearance in the television series. Luke portrayed Gabe Jones, a member of the Howling Commandos in the "Captain America: First Avenger" movie.  As depicted in the "Captain America: Winter Soldier" movie, Carter does eventually get married and has two children. The children have probable Caucasian features and Carter's husband's identity remains a mystery and has yet to be revealed.

Gabe Jones and Peggy Carter

In the comics, Jones returns from WWII duties and settles as a jazz musician. He enlists for the Korean War and later joins S.H.I.E.L.D. It is at this point where he and Carter are romantically together.

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