Unfortunately, the comic book world has far been spoiled with almost too many different Superman origin stories. Unlike Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, or even Batman, Superman's origin has been retold and rebooted more than enough. His origin just can't seem to be left alone! Several stories have been published in just the last 10 years, including Mark Waid's Birthright, Geoff Johns' Secret Origin, and J. Michael Straczynski's Earth One. It's currently being retold again in the New 52 in Grant Morrison's run on Action Comics. Superman's origin isn't safe from Hollywood reboots either - don't forget Zack Snyder's upcoming Man of Steel film set for 2013.
So how does Superman: Earth One fare? In a nutshell, it's a smooth read but isn't quite the quintessential origin. Too many distinct changes to the Superman mythology make it difficult to accept. With as many Superman origins out there, they are all hard to read with an open mind because his traits and ideals are so important to what makes him who he is. And in this particular case, the new twists that Straczynski decides to explore hurt Superman's origin more than add to it. Shane Davis' art, though not horrible, is also flawed. (Spoilers ahead.)
So how does Superman: Earth One fare? In a nutshell, it's a smooth read but isn't quite the quintessential origin. Too many distinct changes to the Superman mythology make it difficult to accept. With as many Superman origins out there, they are all hard to read with an open mind because his traits and ideals are so important to what makes him who he is. And in this particular case, the new twists that Straczynski decides to explore hurt Superman's origin more than add to it. Shane Davis' art, though not horrible, is also flawed. (Spoilers ahead.)