January 27, 2014

Review: Hawkeye Issue 16

I wish they all could be California girls! God only knows what we'd we be without Kate Bishop!

Writer: Matt Fraction
Artist: Annie Wu

Issue delays aside, an offbeat adventure finds Kate Bishop wading through California's rich history of music. One Hawkeye is great as it is but two is even more spectacular.  These Kate Bishop stories by Fraction provide a great balance to Clint Barton's own wacky adventures across the other side of the country. Issue 16 is a perfect "jump on" point for readers catching up with the series but at the same time, ties in a previous adventure featuring Kate and Clint in the early days.

There are no supervillains to do battle with here but issue 16 centers around the music industry and touches upon mental illness as well. It's riveting story ripped from today's headlines about former stars, whose careers have been derailed by drugs and the seedy and tragic lifestyle it leads them to. Fraction's own quirky elements are frequent here with internet jokes and even a poke at The Champions comic-book series. Aspects of Los Angeles are also littered throughout the issue, so if you're from that area you'll definitely enjoy this story. Overall, a fun yet tragic story with a happy ending that should appeal to all readers.

Kate Bishop...ready for adventure!

Annie Wu's art style has certainly grown on me. It's not the rough and rushed work we saw in the "Hurricane Sandy" issue. Despite being loose at times, Wu's distinct style and panel work is a joy to read and enjoy. It would be a pleasure to see her added as a rotating artist on this book.

Final Verdict: 9/10

Further Reading:

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