October 3, 2011

Relaunched! The 10 Best Books of the DCnU

DC Comic's New 52 relaunch has proved to be a success, with some retailers reporting books selling out in minutes and many titles going back to press for 2nd printings. But 52 issues is a lot to read, so just for you we've rounded up the Top 10 Books of the DCnU.

1. BATMAN, Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, and Jonathan Glapion
There isn't anything I can say but that I loved this book cover to cover. Everything great about Batman in one issue. Art is surprisingly awesome. Best issue of the relaunch hands down. Read more here.

2. ACTION COMICS, Grant Morrison, Rags Morales, and Rick Bryant
A very fun read. Grant Morrison is at his best, and we get a modern take on Golden Age Superman. A breath of fresh air after a recently weak run of Superman books. Thankfully it's NOT another origin story! More here.

3. THE FLASH, Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato
Francis Manapul's first book as a writer, and thankfully not the last! His art is as always amazingly good and just a joy to look at; it almost tells the story on its own. I loved the use of Barry's ring and new "plated" costume.

4. ANIMAL MAN, Jeff Lemire, Travel Foreman, and Dan Green
A darker book that almost doesn't belong in the DC line, but makes you glad it exists somewhere. Another book with awesome art. The last page is a shocker.

5. GREEN LANTERN, Geoff Johns, Doug Mahnke, and Christian Alamy
Reboot free goodness! More of the same from Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke. It might as well say Green Lantern #68 on the cover. More here.

6. AQUAMAN, Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, and Joe Prado
I've never cared for Aquaman until now, and Geoff Johns has finally proved that Aquaman is cool after all! Looking forward to his 1st appearance over in Justice League.

7. SWAMP THING, Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette
First Swamp Thing book I've ever read, and totally loved it. Scott Snyder at his best. Another darker Vertigo-like book. More here.

8. FRANKENSTEIN, AGENT OF SHADE, Jeff Lemire and Albert Ponticelli
Picked this up on a whim and it definitely surprised me. A fast and fun read with a lot of cool twists, and it was also surprisingly funny at times. Added to the pull list!

WONDER WOMAN, Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang
Action packed! I'm a fan of Cliff Chiang's work and he draws a great Diana. Like Action Comics, this was another breath of fresh air after a year of weak Wonder Woman stories. My only complaint is I liked Wonder Woman with pants. More here.

10. NIGHTWING, Kyle Higgins, Eddy Barrows, and JP Mayer
Welcome back, Nightwing! As much as I loved Dick Grayson as Batman this was a welcome return to his true masked identity. More here.

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