August 7, 2013

Review: Earth 2 Issue 15

The battle continues with The World Army and The Wonders up against the forces of Steppenwolf and even themselves! How will they survive the outcome?

Earth 2 issue 15 continues writer James Robinson's current arc from last issue, involving our heroes bringing the fight straight to Steppenwolf's doorstep.  With the spotlight on Dr. Fate during the previous arc, Robinson has certainly picked up the pace with the Big 3 of Earth-2 by focusing the stories on them again.  I must admit to wanting more coverage of Earth 2's supporting cast than these three again.  Understandably, Robinson can only fit so much characters within each arc so as not to alienate readers. It remains to be seen whether new writer Tom Taylor will continue with the JSA focus or branch out even more with other characters in the fold. It's been hinted throughout social media that the new Batman of Earth 2 will grab the spotlight as well.

Dr. Fate in action!
Action lovers, this issue is for you as Robinson brings the battle against Steppenwolf to it's deadly conclusion. Robinson starts the story from a different perspective and take. This style unfortunately reveals the story's tragic results with our Wonders.  I would've preferred Robinson not to go this route and instead setup the reader for what's to come. The usual spot on dialogue and inevitable Earth 2 surprises frequent the issue. Robinson doesn't focus on the Big 3 in issue 15 as he throws in other storylines featuring Hawkgirl and Mr. Miracle and Barda. The latter storyline ends the issue with an interesting reveal for readers. 

Artist Nicola Scott has truly outdone herself again with her work on this issue. A mix of two-page spreads and effects bring out the individual characters and their distinct powers during the Big 3's battle with Steppenwolf. I do think she could go beyond the closed teeth look with the character's facial expressions though but her artwork during the initial pages of issue 15 are quite the sight to behold. Pete Panzais' wonderful color work bring each panel to life with so much vibrancy!

Final Verdict: A-

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