As the next generation of gaming consoles approaches, do you still play with your older systems? Remarkably, some of my classic consoles stand the test time.
Upcoming Disney Infinity game, one of the last games for this generation? |
On the verge of new gaming consoles from Sony and Microsoft this year, some of us especially me, still have their legacy systems planted right where we can play them. Of course, they may not be our go-to consoles anymore, but these systems have lasting playability along with the wonderful unique games themselves. In my household, the: Wii, PS2 Slim, original Xbox and even the DreamCast reside along my Xbox 360 as one of the many gaming systems, that get regular play time.
DreamCast: Still gaming! |
The wonderful aspect of the original Xbox is the ability to enjoy games and DVD movies in 720p resolution which complements most HDTVs these days. It's a perfect player for your aging DVD collection, if you still have them. Also games which were console-exclusives of that time, like The WWE Smackdown! series for the PS2, made them unique standouts for that system. To experience those games in this current console generation with WWE 13 was worthwhile as well. Remember your DDR dance mats? Your PS3 drumkits and instruments? Going back a bit, SEGA's Space Channel 5 was a favorite for me on the DreamCast. Should I even mention Dead or Alive Volleyball for the original Xbox? Still playable and loads of um, fun!
Wrestling games on Xbox! |
Despite the eve of the next generation of console gaming, these classic systems still have plenty of life left in them. Do you still use your older consoles as well?
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