March 5, 2012

REVIEW: Justice League #6

The first arc of the New 52's flagship title concludes as the "Super Seven" battles the mighty Darkseid. Memo to Darkseid: don't piss off Superman.

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First off, if you've got the cash, go for both covers of this month's issue. The images above should be enough persuasion! The Darkseid cover by Ivan Reis is clearly the best variant of the series so far. But as big of a nut that I am for variant covers, the standard Jim Lee cover is a must buy for any Batman fan. A true Bat-fan will note that in Lee's standard cover, Bruce is prominently featured and centered, but more importantly the only J-Leaguer not fully bowing to the might of Darkseid. Thank you, Jim Lee for knowing how awesome Batman is.

With that said, Justice League #6 was another stellar issue and a great end to the first arc of the New 52's flagship title. After a pretty weak and unusual issue last month (Batman's unmasking still wasn't really explained), kudos to the famed duo of Geoff Johns and Jim Lee for bringing back the same fun that made the previous issues so enjoyable. All of the League gets their chance to shine here, and they finally catch their team groove as they work together to try to take down Darkseid. Especially enjoyed Superman in this issue - I won't spoil the details but Jim Lee's splash art upon his rescue by Batman will speak for itself. Unfortunately the issue is a fast read, but a fun one nonetheless. The bonus Pandora story included at the end of the issue is also a treat.

As soon as Justice League #1 hit the stands all those weeks ago, the outcome of this arc was more than obvious (SPOILER: the League "defeats" Darkseid!) but as they say its not always the destination but the journey along the way. Johns and Lee's Justice League was never about deep plots or over the top action but simply just FUN - for both veteran and casual fans of comic books. (Johns even manages to throw a Super Friends joke into the mix!) And now that all this origin nonsense is out of the way, we're all finally in for a real treat as the next arc begins next month.

THE GOOD: Another fun and enjoyable issue, and a great ending to the first arc. Definitely invested in this title for the long run! Can't wait to read what's next and what's in-store for the Justice League.

THE BAD: Unfortunately the issue is a very fast read. Batman's unmasking from issue #5 isn't further explained or even addressed.

THE ART: Really, do I have to bother? It's JIM LEE! Props to the entire team of inkers and colorists.


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